Neither, I hope. I've been busy, but not with things suitable for publishing (no, not that). I can write when I'm happy or mad, but not when I'm sad. I need to learn how to express sadness - but first how not to let it overwhelm me.
Translating sadness into anger works for some sadness, but truly sad things are just - sad. But not today. Today, I'm thinking of which books to set free with BookCrossing tags on Amtrak when we go on our trip to Virginia. I'm thinking of going to the National Zoo and taking pictures of the pandas.
The best way I've found is to either listen to classical music - Vivaldi - or to write down why I'm sad.
It's usually intensely private and I'll lock the file or delete once I feel better. Reading it later serves no-one, not even me.
Don't forget to post what books you've liberated and where. I'd be interested.
Thanks, Jaye. I like the idea of writing sadness in a locked file and then deleting it without reading it when I feel better. Dwelling on sad things isn't healthy.
Right now I'm listening to Loreena McKennitt, Prologue from The Book of Secrets. The music is a bit melancholy, but somehow it makes me feel better.
I set free "A Black Eye Isn't the End of the World" (a book of Panda photos and philosophy), and also "In My Own Words" by Mother Teresa - both of them in the Metropolitan Lounge of the Chicago Amtrak station. I had planned slightly different releases for them, but then, nothing else about the trip went as planned, either...
What makes comfort food so - comforting? I made pancakes with blueberries and sour cream for everyone here, and we are all much comforted ;)
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