PandaBaby is True Fiction.

Welcome to my Pandababy Blog. A panda bear is an unlikely animal - a bear that eats bamboo - a contradiction in every aspect. This blog is true fiction, also a contradiction in its essence. Yet both are real, both exist - the bear and the blog. Both can only be described by contradictory terms, such as true fiction. Please be pleased to enjoy these stories of our ancestors. They are True Fiction. Every person in my blog lived in the time and place indicated. They are my ancestors and relatives, and their friends.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Well that was a pregnant gap - nine months of silence - a golden pause. Goldibear has loaded PandaBaby onto the e-blogger server and recovered the archived blogs, so here we are again. For friends with links to PandaBaby, we have a different 'web address' now, so please update our link! Thank You! Welcome to PandaBaby's realm of the family tree. It is a different kind of tree than what Panda bears usually climb, but this for this pandababy it is my favorite.

What's been happening: We went house hunting, found one we liked, packed, and ... didn't move. Turned out the underwriter found the owner was "flipping". Yes, that is the reason it was turned down, called the flipping rule. Tch,Tch, can't buy a house and sell it for over 120% of the price within the first 90 days - or at least, not with a government approved loan. The depreciating real estate market has caused the house to lose over $15,000 value in the few months since our offer, so in the long run we made a lucky escape. In the short run though, we had seventy boxes to unpack and still need to find a house.

Grateful for friends both old and new, PandaBaby wishes everyone a joyful Winter Solstice on December 21, at 3:38 PM (if you live in the Northern Hemisphere and on the west coast). Throw another Yule log on the fire!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lived & Loved Completely

Jason Scott Siegal December 19th, 1972 - January 17th, 2010 A more loving or generous son-in-law you will not find anywhere. Jason, we miss you.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Sisters Rock

Yesterday, my sister had the the day off from nursing, and she drove from Astoria for a visit. We spent some time at Barnes & Noble where I bought Mennonite in a Little Black Dress - a laugh-out-loud funny book in a darkly humorous sort of way. For the rest of the afternoon, we played duets on the wii with Rock Band The Beatles. I played the guitar and she sang, and then she played the drums with my guitar. We surprised ourselves with how well we did and it was great fun. My life is nearly all virtual. The real food I eat gets logged into; I exercise with My Fitness Coach, a wii program; my books are digital in a variety of modes - Adobe and Kindle and other; I listen to digital music on my iPod or on iTunes on my desktop; I'm learning to play chess with ChessMaster - Grandmaster edition on my computer; my ancestors are collected in Legacy, a computer genealogy program. And to think, when I born, computers were more or less the stuff of fantasy and science fiction.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010

Happy New Year and may it be filled with all your dreams come true. I have made only one New Year's Resolution for 2010: To Be Fully Present in the Now. I have spent the first day of the New Year just doing what is most important to me at each moment - a day filled with little and mundane things but very satisfying - no coulds, shoulds, oughts, in short - no worries mate!

My son and daughter gave me Guitar Hero the complete band set plus Rock Band the Beatles last month. The very best presents ever that I have received. That is what is up for the next moment: I'm going to go rock with the Beatles. (Decisions, decisions: should I choose the guitar, the drum set, or sing along with the mic? Right, all three then - guitar first.) Yes, my son said it was the biggest shock of his life to come home for lunch the other day and find his mother singing About a Girl with Kurt Cobain.

I'm not very tuneful so I like singing Cobain songs as his style is less demanding. But the Beatles were my generation, and I could sing most of their songs in my sleep, plus the presentation is easy on the eyes and ears. Both Wii programs rate the difficulty of the songs and instruments but I find Rock Band the Beatles interface to be friendlier. Of course. They're the Beatles, after all. What a wonderful New Year.