I also see a solid framework upon which I may hang the
marvelous details so easily accessible in literally billions of digitized books
and document, with powerful, hi-speed search engines and Internet. Without the
simple tree which I put together long ago, doing a search on the Ancestry
website, and contemplating the vast amount of conflicting data presented in
millions of differentiating trees, would be utterly overwhelming to me. Where
to begin?!
Instead of envying the newbie genealogist their swift and
powerful modern tools, I commiserate with their dilemma. For tools so quick and
potent may surely take one far and swiftly in the wrong direction just as well
as the right one. Which to choose? Where to put one's confidence for what
records to trust?
I would say to them, begin where we all must begin - with
you. Put down your own vital facts, add your parents, then their parents. Ahh,
you begin to feel the truth of the endless journey: the names you want to
document double with every new generation! You only have four grandparents --
but you have sixty-four great-great-great-great-grandparents!!
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