PandaBaby is True Fiction.

Welcome to my Pandababy Blog. A panda bear is an unlikely animal - a bear that eats bamboo - a contradiction in every aspect. This blog is true fiction, also a contradiction in its essence. Yet both are real, both exist - the bear and the blog. Both can only be described by contradictory terms, such as true fiction. Please be pleased to enjoy these stories of our ancestors. They are True Fiction. Every person in my blog lived in the time and place indicated. They are my ancestors and relatives, and their friends.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

James Sherrill: Summer heat turned muddy roads into fine dust

which choked the travelers and clogged the nostrils of the oxen. James soaked a rag in clean water, and wiped the nostrils of all eight of his oxen, carefully removing the caked dust. It was enough to literally kill one the valuable animals if they were not helped by their drovers. They saw terrible evidence of that along the side of the road as they traveled.

Wolves and Buffalo documentary by Jeff Turner on PBS

Every night, James set up the tent they slept in, which during the day was carried under the wagon. Although the tent was more comfortable than the wagon for sleeping, it felt suffocating on these hot nights. Between the heat, and the occasional gunshot from nervous night guards, plus the howling of wolves, it was a wonder any of them got enough sleep to be able to work. Mary Ann walked along the next day, putting twigs and buffalo chips into the bag for building the fire that night. She considered as she walked, how little she had appreciated a bed that didn't move, a room with walls, a house that exuded quiet and peace, when she had them each and every day and night.

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