My latest badge at WikiTree says 'GEDCOM Equipped. It means I have uploaded my family tree to WikiTree - in this case, my Finnish grandfather's ancestors. To quote from the WikiTree GEDCOM page: "GEDCOM, which stands for GEnealogical Data COMmunication, is a file format for transferring family tree information."
Randy Seaver, who writes a blog at Genea-Musings, has a wonderful layout of the whole GEDCOM upload process, complete with screen shots and links. Thank you Randy, for making my upload easy! Randy's post on Christmas Eve was very amusing, and I have added his blog to the list on the right of your screen.
It was not difficult at all, partly because no one from my Finnish grandfather's tree was in the WikiTree yet, so the only match was my grandfather, who I entered 'by hand' when I joined. This will be more challenging when I upload ancestors who go back to Colonial America, or back to European nobility. Those family lines are very nearly completed at WikiTree, and I will probably end up filling in any I have that aren't there already one ancestor at a time. Which is better than creating a lot of duplicates.
Well, it's back to bed for me, as I wish to get over these shingles, and instead of going away, they popped back up. So I do a little genealogy, have a meal, take a nap, repeat. Shingles are not uncommon, and usually only last up to four weeks. They can be very serious if they do not go away, as they can cause damage to organs. So Goldibear is nagging me to sleep, rest, take my medicine. He loves me:)
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